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Free Paper Bird Models!
You can create realistic birds from the PDF files below.
Follow these directions:
1. Scroll through the choices of birds on the page below.
2. Click on the PDF file to print the bird of your choice.
3. Check out the colored example on the page. Also, note the name of the
birds and look up additional reference photos.
4. Color the bird, cut out, and attach its wings.
5. Attach a string to display your bird.
Printing Instructions:
1. Click on the PDF file below to
download the two page file to your
2. Set up your printer to print 2 sided
with a long-edge binding.
3. Have fun!
Blackburnian Warbler
Summer Range:
Northern US and Southern Canada
Winter Range:
South America

Eastern Meadowlark
Summer Range:
US mid-east
Winter Range:
Southern US

Printing Instructions:
1. Click on the PDF file below to
download the two page file to your
2. Set up your printer to print 2 sided with a long-edge binding.
3. Have fun!
Printing Instructions:
1. Click on the PDF file below to
download the two page file to your computer.
2. Set up your printer to print 2 sided
with a long-edge binding.
3. Have fun!
Summer Range: Northern US & Southern Canada
Winter Range :
Southern Midwest US
Southeastern US

Scarlet Tanager
Summer Range:
Se Canada, e US
Winter Range :
Columbia to w Amazonia

Printing Instructions:
1. Click on the PDF file below to
download the two page file to your
2. Set up your printer to print 2 sided with a long-edge binding.
3. Have fun!
Printing Instructions:
1. Click on the PDF file below to download the two page file to your computer.
2. Set up your printer to print 2 sided with a long-edge binding.
3. Have fun!
Painted Bunting
Summer Range:
S US, ne Mexico
Winter Range :
Central Am, Cuba, S Florida

Eastern Whip-Poor-Will
Summer Range:
Cen. & e Canada / Cen. & e US
Winter Range :
S & E Coastal US / E Mexico & S
into Central America

Printing Instructions:
1. Click on the PDF file below to download the two page file to your computer.
2. Set up your printer to print 2 sided with a long-edge binding.
3. Have fun!
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