Naturalist, Artist, and
Certified Interpretive Guide
Quick Overview
I am passionate about the Creator's Creation! I hike it, bike it, camp it, float it, teach it, draw it, paint it, and journal it. I cannot get enough of it! It is my happy place that brings me great joy!
Explore the tabs on this website and discover
the following:
- I offer a variety of programs throughout the year
at different locations. Come hang out with me and
discover the treasures of our natural world!
- This tab is a work in progress offering free,
downloadable templates.
1. Some templates have the basic form of an organism, and you add the field marks (colors and patterns that make them unique).
2. New templates coming May of 2024 will offer an
opportunity to print bird models that can be
realistically colored for specific bird species, cut out, and hung up. When completed, the models look like they are flying!
- The monthly journal tab offers examples of
Nature Journaling from my backyard or some local location. Check it out and get some ideas! And no, you do not have to be an artist to Nature Journal!
- Travel Journals offer insights to some of my traveling
and Resident Artist opportunities in our State Parks.
- Explore some of my fine art watercolor samples.
A Few More Details About My Science Background
A variety of outlets for my passion of nature have served me well through the years. I taught middle school science for 25 years and have taught Nature Journaling for over 20 years. I have worked as a Volunteer Conservation Naturalist for the Missouri Department of Conservation for about 20 years and am the Resident Artist and Volunteer Naturalist at Missouri State Parks. I worked two summers through an internship as a Park Ranger for Arches National Park in Utah. My graduate work included internships at both the Saint Louis Zoo and the Missouri Botanical Garden. I have studied the rain forest in Belize, and I have traveled extensively to our beautiful National Parks.
A Few More Details About My Art Background
The creative journey has evolved over time for me as well. I have sketched since I was a child. I began taking watercolor classes and workshops 24 years ago. I am a Signature Member of the St. Louis Watercolor Society, and I have sold both originals and prints of my work at a variety of galleries and nature centers. Additionally, I have taken about 100 Nature Journaling classes - offering me the ideas and style of different people that journal. Not only do I enjoy taking Nature Journaling classes, I love to teach them! Through a variety of techniques that I present, I help others explore the world around them with fresh eyes and capture their observations and experiences on paper. It is an amazing gift to pass on.
Enjoy the website - and get connected to The Great Outdoors through Nature Journaling and other programs about nature!